Kelly McMurray
Breeder of Merit
McMurray Manor
Ramseur, North Carolina
Our homestead has chickens, dogs, kittens, and Gamprs. We started our Gampr life unexpectedly and are forever grateful that life gave us Big Chester as our first Armenian Gampr. We then added our Zoshin as an import that almost wasn’t an import. Due to the sudden, untimely CDC ban, Zoshin was one of the last 7 Gamprs to be imported from Armenia.
The Gamprs of McMurray Manor are fiercely loved and revered by our family, and we are better people for being part of their futures. Big Chester and Zoshin are responsible for keeping the coyotes, bobcats, stray or wild dogs, and even buzzards and hawks from harming our smaller animals. We rely on their keen instincts and wisdom to alert us to human visitors.
Sari Ellen
Registration # 052621-02
Livestock: Yes
Embark - Pending
Remaining Evaluations:
OFA Patellar Luxation
OFA Hips & Elbows
Registration # 083122-01
Livestock: Yes
Remaining Evaluations:
OFA Patellar Luxation
OFA Hips & Elbows